Potassium Fertilizer

Potassium Fertilizer

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What is Potassium Fertilizer

  • Potassium fertilizer refers to fertilizers primarily composed of potassium (K) as the main nutrient, with the main purpose of providing plant potassium nutrition.
  • The potassium content in plant bodies generally ranges from 0.2% to 4.1% of dry matter, second only to nitrogen.

Functions of Potassium Element

  • Activator of enzymes: Potassium plays a crucial role in carbohydrate metabolism, respiratory processes, and protein metabolism.
  • Promotion of photosynthesis.
  • Enhancement of protein and sugar synthesis, as well as promotion of sugar transport to storage organs.
  • A vital component of cell osmotic pressure, enabling plants to efficiently use water and enhance plant resistance.
  • Improvement of plant tolerance to adverse environments such as drought, low temperature, and salt damage, as well as resistance to diseases and lodging.
  • Potassium is often considered a "quality element": it promotes fruit coloring, increases sugar and vitamin content in fruits, improves the sugar-acid ratio, and enhances fruit flavor.

Potassium Element Deficiency

  • Decreased resistance: Plants become weak and prone to lodging, with reduced resistance to drought and cold when deficient in potassium.
  • Yellowing starts from the tips and edges of old leaves, gradually wilting, with the appearance of small spots on the leaf surface, eventually drying up or showing scorched appearance. The tissue between leaf veins also dries up, accompanied by brown spots and patches on the leaf surface, and slow growth.
  • Symptoms first appear in old leaves: Potassium is a mobile and recyclable element, so deficiency symptoms initially manifest in the lower older leaves.

Excess Potassium Element

  • Excess potassium is generally not common; it mainly results from excessive application of potassium fertilizers.
  • Excessive potassium inhibits plant absorption of magnesium, manganese, and zinc, leading to symptoms of magnesium, manganese, and zinc deficiencies.

How to Use Potassium Fertilizer

  • In home gardening, potassium fertilizer is usually not used alone, and most often, compound fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are used.
  • Timing of fertilization: Potassium fertilizer should be supplied throughout the year, but during high temperatures in summer, its application should be temporarily suspended. In winter, organic fertilizers which containing potassium can be applied.
  • Selection of types: Flexibly choose compound fertilizers from home gardening brands. Select types with a higher potassium content in the nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (N-P-K) ratio.

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