Succulent Soil Mix

Succulent Soil Mix

Since the succulent trend took off in 2010, many people have embarked on their gardening journey starting with succulents.

    While some have become succulent experts, others still worry about issues like succulent seedling stiffness, rot, and difficulties during summer. A good soil mix can effectively alleviate these problems.

    First, let's briefly understand succulents:
  • Succulents have thick, juicy leaves capable of storing a considerable amount of water.
  • Most succulents grow in deserts, sandy areas, and the edges of tropical rainforests in Africa and the Americas.
  • There are over 50 families and more than 10,000 species of succulents, including cacti, stonecrops, sedums, euphorbias, aloes, and more.
This soil mix guide is more focused on beginners or those struggling to care for succulents. As your knowledge and skills grow, you can adjust the soil mix ratios accordingly.

   We'll simplify succulent soil mix into two categories: Fleshy Root Mix and Fibrous Root Mix.

Fleshy Root Mix:
  • Mature Plants: 40% medium-sized red jade soil, 30% medium-sized rainbow stone, 20% medium-sized peat moss, 10% coconut coir.
  • Developing Semi-Mature Plants: 40% medium-sized red jade soil, 40% medium-sized rainbow stone, 20% medium-sized peat moss.
  • Leaf Cuttings with Roots and Young Seedlings: 25% small-sized red jade soil, 25% small-sized rainbow stone, 25% fine peat moss, 25% vermiculite.
Fibrous Root Mix:
  • Mature Plants: 30% small-sized red jade soil, 30% small-sized rainbow stone, 30% medium-sized peat moss, 10% vermiculite.
  • Young Seedlings and Developing Semi-Mature Plants: 30% small-sized red jade soil, 30% small-sized rainbow stone, 20% fine peat moss, 20% coconut coir.
  • Leaf Cuttings and Seeds: 65% fine peat moss, 35% vermiculite.
    Note: In the above soil mixes, medium-sized particles range from 3-6mm, small-sized particles range from 1-3mm, medium-sized peat moss ranges from 5-15mm, and fine peat moss ranges from 0-5mm.

    You can flexibly adjust the soil mix ratios based on their care environment. The principle for adjustments is to increase particle ratio in rainy and humid areas, increase peat moss and coconut coir ratio in dry and less rainy areas, and no adjustment is needed for indoor care.